

Article I. Name – Purposes
Article II. Qualifications for Membership
Article III. Shares of Members
Article IV. Meetings of Members
Article V. Elections
Article VI. Board of Directors
Article VII. Board Officers, Management Officials and Executive Committee
Article VIII. Credit Committee or Loan Officers
Article IX. Supervisory Committee
Article X. Organization Meeting
Article XI. Loans and Lines of Credit to Members
Article XII. Dividends
Article XIII. Deposit of Funds
Article XIV. Expulsion and Withdrawal
Article XV. Minors
Article XVI. General
Article XVII. Amendments of Bylaws and Charter
Article XVIII. Definitions

Austin Telco Federal Credit Union


Federal Credit Union, Charter No. 4584
(A corporation chartered under the laws of the United States)

Article I. Name - Purposes

Section 1. The name of this credit union is as stated in section 1 of the charter (approved organization certificate) of this credit union namely Austin Telco Federal Credit Union.

Section 2. This credit union is a member-owned, democratically operated, not-for-profit organization managed by a volunteer board of directors, with the specified mission of meeting the credit and savings needs of consumers, especially persons of modest means. The purpose of this credit union is to promote thrift among its members by affording them an opportunity to accumulate their savings and to create for them a source of credit for provident, business or productive purposes.

Article II. Qualifications for Membership

Section 1. The field of membership of this credit union is limited to that stated in section 5 of its charter.

Section 2. Applications for membership from persons eligible for membership under section 5 of the charter must be signed by the applicant on forms approved by the board. Upon approval of an application by a majority of the directors, or a majority of the members of a duly authorized executive committee or by a membership officer, and upon subscription to at least one share of this credit union and the payment of the initial installment, and the payment of a uniform entrance fee if required by the board, the applicant is admitted to membership. If a membership application is denied, the reasons must be furnished in writing to the person whose application is denied, upon written request.

Section 3. A member who withdraws all shareholdings or fails to comply with the time requirements for restoring his or her account balance in article III, section 3, ceases to be a member. By resolution, the board may require persons readmitted to membership to pay another entrance fee.

Section 4. Once a member becomes a member that person may remain a member until the person or organization chooses to withdraw or is expelled in accordance with the Act and Article XIV of these bylaws. A member who is disruptive to credit union operations may be subject to limitations on services and access to credit union facilities.

Entrance fee – FCUs may not vary the entrance fee among different classes of members because the Act requires a uniform fee. FCUs may, however, eliminate the entrance fee for all applicants.

Article III. Shares of Members

Section 1. The par value of each share will be $5.00. Subscription to shares are payable at the time of subscription.

Section 2. The maximum amount of shares that may be held by any one member will be established from time to time by resolution of the board.

Section 3. A member who fails to complete payment of one share within 2 months of admission to membership, or within 2 months from the increase in the par value of shares, or a member who reduces the share balance below the par value of one share and does not increase the balance to at least the par value of one share within 1 month of the reduction will be terminated from membership.

Section 4. Shares may only be transferred from one member to another by an instrument in a form as the board may prescribe. Shares that accrue credits for unpaid dividends retain those credits when transferred.

Section 5. Money paid in on shares or installments of shares may be withdrawn as provided in these bylaws or regulation on any day when payment on shares may be made: provided, however, that:

  1. The board has the right, at any time, to require members to give, in writing, not more than 60 days notice of intention to withdraw the whole or any part of the amounts paid in by them.
  2. The board may determine that, if shares are paid in under an accumulated payroll deduction plan as prescribed in the Accounting Manual for Federal Credit Unions, they may not be withdrawn until credited to members' accounts.
  3. No member may withdraw any shareholdings below the amount of the member's primary or contingent liability to the credit union if the member is delinquent as a borrower, or if borrowers for whom the member is co maker, endorser, or guarantor are delinquent, without the written approval of the credit committee or loan officer. Coverage of overdrafts under an overdraft protection policy does not constitute delinquency for purposes of this paragraph. Shares issued in an irrevocable trust as provided in section 6 of this article are not subject to restrictions upon withdrawal except as stated in the trust agreement.
  4. The share account of a deceased member (other than one held in joint tenancy with another member) may be continued until the close of the dividend period in which the administration of the deceased's estate is completed, but not to exceed a period of 4 years.
  5. The board will have the right, at any time, to impose a fee for excessive share withdrawals from regular share accounts. The number of withdrawals not subject to a fee and the amount of the fee will be established by board resolution and will be subject to regulations applicable to the advertising and disclosure of terms and conditions on member accounts.

Section 6. Shares may be issued in a revocable or irrevocable trust, subject to the following:
When shares are issued in a revocable trust, the settler must be a member of this credit union in his own right. When shares are issued in an irrevocable trust, either the settler or the beneficiary must be a member of this credit union. The name of the beneficiary must be stated in both a revocable and irrevocable trust. For purposes of this section, shares issued pursuant to a pension plan authorized by the rules and regulations will be treated as an irrevocable trust unless otherwise indicated in the rules and regulations.

Section 7. Owners of a joint account may both be members of the credit union without opening separate accounts. For joint membership, both owners are required to fulfill all of the membership requirements including each member purchasing and maintaining at least one share in the account.

Article IV. Meetings of Members

Section 1. Annual meeting. The board must hold the annual meeting of the members no later than March 31 in the county in which any office of the credit union is located or within a radius of 100 miles of an office, at the time and place as the board determines and announces in the notice of the annual meeting. This credit union may permit virtual attendance and participation in the annual meeting, provided that an in-person meeting complying with the geographic requirements of this paragraph is also held.

Section 2. At least 30 but no more than 75 days before the date of any annual meeting or at least 7 days before the date of any special meeting of the members, the secretary must give written notice to each member. Notice may be by written notice delivered in person or by mail to the member’s address, or, for members who have opted to receive statements and notices electronically, by electronic mail. Notice of the annual meeting may be given by posting the notice in a conspicuous place in the office of this credit union where it may be read by the members, at least 30 days prior to such meeting, if the annual meeting is to be held during the same month as that of the previous annual meeting and if this credit union maintains an office that is readily accessible to members where regular business hours are maintained. Any meeting of the members, whether annual or special, may be held without prior notice, at any place or time, if all the members entitled to vote, who are not present at the meeting, waive notice in writing, before, during, or after the meeting.

Notice of any special meeting must state the purpose for which it is to be held, and no business other than that related to this purpose may be transacted at the meeting.

Section 3. Special meetings of the members may be called by the chair or the board of directors upon a majority vote, or by the supervisory committee as provided in these bylaws and may be held at any location permitted for the annual meeting. A special meeting must be called by the chair within 30 days of the receipt of a written request of 25 members or 5% of the members as of the date of the request, whichever number is larger. However, a request of no more than 750 members may be required for such meeting. The notice of a special meeting must be given as provided in section 2 of this article.

Section 4. The suggested order of business at annual meetings of members is--

  1. Ascertainment that a quorum is present.
  2. Reading and approval or correction of the minutes of the last meeting.
  3. Report of directors, if there is one.
  4. Report of the financial officer or the chief management official.
  5. Report of the credit committee, if there is one.
  6. Report of the supervisory committee.
  7. Unfinished business.
  8. New business other than elections.
  9. Elections As required by Section 111 of Act.
  10. Adjournment.
    The order of business must comply with "Robert's Rules of Order."

Section 5. Except as otherwise provided, 15 members constitute a quorum at annual or special meetings. If no quorum is present, an adjournment may be taken to a date not fewer than 7 but not more than 14 days thereafter. The members present at any such adjourned meeting will constitute a quorum, regardless of the number of members present. The same notice must be given for the adjourned meeting as is prescribed in section 2 of this article for the original meeting, except that such notice must be given not fewer than 5 days previous to the date of the meeting as fixed in the adjournment.

Article V. Elections

In-person elections; nominating committee and nominations from floor

Option A2 – In-person elections; nominating committee and nominations by petition

Section 1. Nomination procedures. At least 120 days before each annual meeting the chair will appoint a nominating committee of three or more members. It is the duty of the nominating committee to nominate at least one member for each vacancy, including any unexpired term vacancy, for which elections are being held, and to determine that the members nominated are agreeable to the placing of their names in nomination and will accept office if elected.

The nominating committee files its nominations with the secretary of the credit union at least 90 days before the annual meeting, and the secretary notifies in writing all members eligible to vote at least 75 days before the annual meeting that nominations for vacancies may also be made by petition signed by 1% of the members with a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 500. The secretary may use electronic mail to notify members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically.

The written notice must indicate that the election will not be conducted by ballot and there will be no nominations from the floor when the number of nominees equals the number of positions to be filled. A brief statement of qualifications and biographical data in a form approved by the board of directors will be included for each nominee submitted by the nominating committee with the written notice to all eligible members. Each nominee by petition must submit a similar statement of qualifications and biographical data with the petition. The written notice must state the closing date for receiving nominations by petition. In all cases, the period for receiving nominations by petition must extend at least 30 days from the date that the petition requirement and the list of nominating committee’s nominees are mailed to all members. To be effective nominations by petition must be accompanied by a signed certificate from the nominee or nominees stating that they are agreeable to nomination and will serve if elected to office. Nominations by petition must be filed with the secretary of the credit union at least 40 days before the annual meeting and the secretary will ensure that nominations by petition, along with those of the nominating committee, are posted in a conspicuous place in each credit union office at least 35 days before the annual meeting.

Section 2. Election procedures. All persons nominated by either the nominating committee or by petition must be placed before the members. When nominations are closed, the chair appoints the tellers, ballots are distributed, the vote is taken and tallied by the tellers, and the results announced. All elections are determined by plurality vote and will be by ballot except where there is only one nominee for each position to be filled.

If sufficient nominations are made by the nominating committee or by petition to provide at least as many nominees as positions to be filled, nominations cannot be made from the floor. In the event nominations from the floor are permitted and result in more nominees than positions to be filled, when nominations have been closed, the chair appoints the tellers, ballots are distributed, the vote is taken and tallied by the tellers, and the results announced. When the number of nominees equals the number of positions to be filled, the chair may take a voice vote or declare each nominee elected by general consent or acclamation at the annual meeting.

Section 3. Nominations may be in the following order:

  1. Nominations for directors.
  2. Nominations for credit committee members, if applicable. Elections may be by separate ballots following the same order as the above nominations or, if preferred, may be by one ballot for all offices.

Section 4. Members cannot vote by proxy. A member other than a natural person may vote through an agent designated in writing for the purpose.

Section 5. Irrespective of the number of shares no member has more than one vote.

Section 6. The names and addresses of members of the board, board officers, executive committee, and members of the credit committee, if applicable, and supervisory committees must be forwarded to the Administration in accordance with the Act and regulations in the manner as may be required by the Administration.

Section 7. Members must be at least 18 years of age by the date of the meeting (or for appointed offices, the date of appointment) in order to vote at meetings of the members, hold elective or appointive office, sign nominating petitions, or sign petitions requesting special meetings.

Eligibility Requirements: The Act and the FCU Bylaws contain the only eligibility requirements for membership on an FCU’s board of directors, which are as follows:

  1. the individual must be a member of the FCU before distribution of ballots;
  2. the individual cannot have been convicted of a crime involving dishonesty or breach of trust unless the NCUA Board has waived the prohibition for the conviction; and
  3. the individual meets the minimum age requirement established under Article V, Section 7 of the FCU Bylaws.

Anyone meeting the three eligibility requirements may run for a seat on the board of directors if properly nominated. It is the nominating committee’s duty to ascertain that all nominated candidates, including those nominated by petition, meet the eligibility requirements.

Nomination Criteria for Nominating Committee: The FCU Act and the FCU Bylaws do not prohibit a board of directors from establishing reasonable criteria, in addition to the eligibility requirements, for a nominating committee to follow in making its nominations, such as financial experience, years of membership, or conflict of interest provisions. The board’s nomination criteria, however, applies only to individuals nominated by the nominating committee; they cannot be imposed on individuals who meet the eligibility requirements and are properly nominated from the floor or by petition.

Candidates’ Names on Ballots: When producing an election ballot, the FCU’s secretary may order the names of the candidates on the ballot using any method for selection provided it is random and used consistently from year to year so as to avoid manipulation or favoritism.

Secret Ballots: An FCU must establish an election process that assures members their votes remain confidential and secret from all interested parties. If the election process does not separate the member’s identity from the ballot, FCUs should use a third-party teller that has sole control over completed ballots. If the ballots are designed so that members’ identities remain secret and are not disclosed on the ballot, FCU’s may use election tellers from the FCU. In any case, FCU employees, officials, and members must not have access to ballots identifying members or to information that links members’ votes to their identities.

Plurality Voting: At least one nominee must be nominated for each vacant seat. When there are more nominees than seats open for election, the nominees who receive the greatest number of votes are elected to the vacant seats.

Minimum Age Requirement: The age the board selects may not be greater than the age of majority under the state law applicable to the credit union.

Article VI. Board of Directors

Section 1. The board consists of 7 members, all of whom must be members of this credit union. The number of directors may be changed to an odd number not fewer than 5 nor more than 15 by resolution of the board. No reduction in the number of directors may be made unless corresponding vacancies exist as a result of deaths, resignations, expiration of terms of office, or other actions provided by these bylaws. A copy of the resolution of the board covering any increase or decrease in the number of directors must be filed with the official copy of the bylaws of this credit union.

Section 2. No directors or committee members may be a paid employee of the credit union. No immediate family members of a director or committee member may be a paid employee of the credit union. In no case may employees and family members constitute a majority of the board. The board may appoint a management official who may not be a member of the board and one or more assistant management officials who may not be a member of the board. If the management official or assistant management official is permitted to serve on the board, he or she may not serve as the chair.

Section 3. Regular terms of office for directors must be for periods of either 2 or 3 years as the board determines: provided, however, that all regular terms must be for the same number of years and until the election and qualification of successors. The regular terms must be fixed at the beginning, or upon any increase or decrease in the number of directors, that approximately an equal number of regular terms must expire at each annual meeting.

Section 4. Any vacancy on the board, credit committee, if applicable, or supervisory committee will be filled within a reasonable time by vote of a majority of the directors then holding office. Directors and credit committee members so appointed will hold office only until the next annual meeting, at which any unexpired terms will be filled by vote of the members, and until the qualification of their successors. Members of the supervisory committee so appointed will hold office until the first regular meeting of the board following the next annual meeting of members, at which the regular term expires, and until the appointment and qualification of their successors.

Section 5. A regular meeting of the board must be held each month at the time and place fixed by resolution of the board. One regular meeting each calendar year must be conducted in person. If a quorum is present in person for the annual in person meeting, the remaining board members may participate using audio or video teleconference methods. The other regular meetings may be conducted using audio or video teleconference methods. The chair, or in the chair's absence the ranking vice chair, may call a special meeting of the board at any time and must do so upon written request of a majority of the directors then holding office. Unless the board prescribes otherwise, the chair, or in the chair's absence the ranking vice chair, will fix the time and place of special meetings. Notice of all meetings will be given in such manner as the board may from time to time by resolution prescribe. Special meetings may be conducted using audio or video teleconference methods.

Section 6. The board has the general direction and control of the affairs of this credit union and is responsible for performing all the duties customarily performed by boards of directors. This includes but is not limited to the following:

  1. Directing the affairs of the credit union in accordance with the Act, these bylaws, the rules and regulations and sound business practices.
  2. Establishing programs to achieve the purposes of this credit union as stated in Article 1, section 2, of these bylaws.
  3. Establishing a loan collection program and authorizing the charge off of uncollectible loans.
  4. Establishing a policy to address training for newly elected and incumbent directors and volunteer officials, in areas such as ethics and fiduciary responsibility, regulatory compliance, and accounting an and determining that all persons appointed or elected by this credit union to any position requiring the receipt, payment or custody of money or other property of this credit union, or in its custody or control as collateral or otherwise, are properly bonded in accordance with the Act and regulations.
  5. Performing additional acts and exercising additional powers as may be required or authorized by applicable law.

No Credit Committee.

  1. Reviewing denied loan applications of members who file written requests for such review.
  2. Appointing one or more loan officers and delegating to those officers the power to approve or disapprove loans, lines of credit or advances from lines of credit.
  3. In its discretion, appointing a loan review committee to review loan denials and delegating to the committee the power to overturn denials of loan applications. The committee will function as a mid-level appeal committee for the board. Any denial of a loan by the committee must be reviewed by the board upon written request of the member. The committee must consist of three members and the regular term of office of the committee member will be for two years. Not more than one member of the committee may be appointed as a loan officer.

Section 7. A majority of the number of directors, including any vacant positions, constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting; but fewer than a quorum may adjourn from time to time until a quorum is in attendance.

Section 8. If a director or a credit committee member, if applicable, fails to attend regular meetings of the board or credit committee, respectively, for 3 consecutive months, or 4 meetings within a calendar year, or otherwise fails to perform any of the duties as a director or a credit committee member, the office may be declared vacant by the board and the vacancy filled as provided in the bylaws. The board may remove any board officer from office for failure to perform the duties thereof, after giving the officer reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard.

When any board officer, membership officer, executive committee member or investment committee member is absent disqualified, or otherwise unable to perform the duties of the office, the board may be resolution designate another member of this credit union to fill the position temporarily. The board may also, by resolution, designate another member or members of this credit union to act on the credit committee, when necessary, in order to obtain a quorum.

Section 9. Any member of the supervisory committee may be suspended by a majority vote of the board of directors. The members of this credit union will decide, at a special meeting held not fewer than 7 nor more than 14 days after any such suspension, whether the suspended committee member will be removed from or restored to the supervisory committee.

Article VII. Board Officers, Management Officials and Executive Committee

Section 1. The board officers of this credit union are comprised of a chair, one or more vice chairs, a financial officer, and a secretary, all of whom are elected by the board and from their number. The board determines the title and rank of each board officer and records them in the addendum to this Article. One board officer, (not applicable for Austin Telco Federal Credit Union) may be compensated for services as determined by the board. If more than one vice chair is elected, the board determines their rank as first vice chair, second vice chair, and so on. The offices of the financial officer and secretary may be held by the same person. Unless removed as provided in these bylaws, the board officers elected at the first meeting of the board hold office until the first meeting of the board following the first annual meeting of the members and until the election and qualification of their respective successors.

Section 2. Board officers elected at the meeting of the board next following the annual meeting of the members, which must be held not later than 7 days after the annual meeting, hold office for a term of 1 year and until the election and qualification of their respective successors: provided, however, that any person elected to fill a vacancy caused by the death, resignation, or removal of an officer is elected by the board to serve only for the unexpired term of such officer and until a successor is duly elected and qualified.

Section 3. The chair presides at all meetings of the members and at all meetings of the board, unless disqualified through suspension by the supervisory committee. The chair also performs such other duties as customarily appertain to the office of the chair or as may be directed to perform by resolution of the board not inconsistent with the Act and regulations and these bylaws.

Section 4. The board must approve all individuals who are authorized to sign all notes of this credit union and all checks, drafts and other orders for disbursement of credit union funds.

Section 5. The ranking vice chair has and may exercise all the powers, authority, and duties of the chair during the chair's absence or inability to act.

Section 6. The financial officer manages this credit union under the control and direction of the board unless the board has appointed a management official to act as general manager. Subject to such limitations, controls and delegations as may be imposed by the board, the financial officer will:

  1. Have custody of all funds, securities, valuable papers and other assets of this credit union.
  2. Provide and maintain full and complete records of all the assets and liabilities of this credit union in accordance with forms and procedures prescribed in the Accounting Manual for Federal Credit Unions or otherwise approved by the Administration.
  3. Within 20 days after the close of each month, ensure that a financial statement showing the condition of this credit union as of the end of the month, including a summary of delinquent loans is prepared and submitted to the board and post a copy of such statement in a conspicuous place in the office of the credit union where it will remain until replaced by the financial statement for the next succeeding month.
  4. Ensure that such financial and other reports as the Administration may require are prepared and sent.
  5. Within standards and limitations prescribed by the board, employ tellers, clerks, bookkeepers, and other office employees, and have the power to remove such employees.
  6. Perform such other duties as customarily appertain to the office of the financial officer or as may be directed to perform by resolution of the board not inconsistent with the Act, regulations and these bylaws. The board may employ one or more assistant financial officers, none of whom may also hold office as chair or vice chair, and may authorize them, under the direction of the financial officer, to perform any of the duties devolving on the financial officer, including the signing of checks. When designated by the board, any assistant financial officer may also act as financial officer during the financial officer's temporary absence or temporary inability to act.

Section 7. The board may appoint a management official who is under the direction and control of the board or of the financial officer as determined by the board. The management official may be assigned any or all of the responsibilities of the financial officer described in section 6 of this article. The board will determine the title and rank of each management official and record them in the addendum to this article. The board may employ one or more assistant management officials. The board may authorize assistant management officials under the direction of the management official, to perform any of the duties devolving on the management official, including the signing of checks. When designated by the board, any assistant management official may also act as management official during the management official's temporary absence or temporary inability to act.

Section 8. The board employs, fixes the compensation, and prescribes the duties of such employees as may in the discretion of the board be necessary, and has the power to remove such employees, unless it has delegated these powers to the financial officer or management official. Neither the board, the financial officer, nor the management official has the power or duty to employ, prescribe the duties of, or remove necessary clerical and auditing assistance employed or utilized by the supervisory committee and, if there is a credit committee, the power or duty to employ, prescribe the duties of, or remove any loan officer appointed by the credit committee.

Section 9. The secretary prepares and maintains full and correct records of all meetings of the members and of the board, which records will be prepared within 7 days after the respective meetings. The secretary must promptly inform the Administration in writing of any change in the address of the office of this credit union or the location of its principal records. The secretary will give or cause to be given, in the manner prescribed in these bylaws, proper notice of all meetings of the members, and perform such other duties as may be directed to perform by resolution of the board not inconsistent with the Act, regulations and these bylaws. The board may employ one or more assistant secretaries, none of whom may also hold office as chair, vice chair, or financial officer, and may authorize them under direction of the secretary to perform any of the duties devolving on the secretary.

Section 10. The board may appoint an executive committee of not fewer than three directors to serve at its pleasure, to act for it with respect to specifically delegated functions authorized by the Act and regulations. When making delegations to the executive committee, the board must be specific with regard to the committee’s authority and limitations related to the particular delegation. The board may also authorize any of the following to approve membership applications under conditions the board and these bylaws may prescribe; an executive committee; a membership officer(s) appointed by the board from the membership, other than a board member paid as an officer; the financial officer; any assistant to the paid officer of the board or to the financial officer; or any loan officer. No executive committee member or membership officer may be compensated as such.

Section 11. The board may appoint an investment committee composed of not less than two, to serve at its pleasure to have charge of making investments under rules and procedures established by the board. No member of the investment committee may be compensated as such.

Addendum: The board must list the positions of the board officers and management officials of this credit union. They are as follows:

Board Officers Management Officials
Chairman President/CEO
Sr. Vice President Finance/CFO
Treasurer Sr. Vice President Lending/CLO
Secretary Sr. Vice President IT/CIO
Membership Officer Sr. Vice President Operations/COO
Security/Safety Officer

Article VIII. Loan Officers (No Credit Committee)

Section 1. Each loan officer must maintain a record of each approved or not approved transaction within 7 days of the filing of the application or request, and such record becomes a part of the records of the credit union. No individual may disburse funds of this credit union for any application or share withdrawal, which the individual has approved as a loan officer.

Section 2. The loan officer must for each loan or line of credit inquire into the character and financial condition of the applicant and the applicant's sureties, if any, to ascertain their ability to repay fully and promptly the obligations incurred by them and to determine whether the loan or line of credit will be of probable benefit to the borrower. The loan officers should endeavor diligently to assist applicants in solving their financial problems.

Section 3. No loan or line of credit may be made unless approved by a loan officer in accordance with applicable law and regulations.

Section 4. Subject to the limits imposed by applicable law and regulations, these bylaws, and the general policies of the board, a loan officer determines the security if any required for each application and the terms of repayment. The security furnished must be adequate in quality and character and consistent with sound lending practices. When funds are not available to make all the loans and lines of credit for which there are applications, preference should be given, in all cases, to the smaller applications if the need and credit factors are nearly equal.

Article IX. Supervisory Committee

Section 1. The supervisory committee is appointed by the board from among the members of this credit union, one of who may be a director other than the financial officer. The board determines the number of members on the committee, which may not be fewer than 3 nor more than 5. No member of the credit committee, if applicable, or any employee of this credit union may be appointed to the committee. Regular terms of committee members are for periods of 1, 2, or 3 years as the board determines: provided, however, that all regular terms are for the same number of years and until the appointment and qualification of successors. The regular terms are fixed at the beginning, or upon any increase or decrease in the number of committee members, so that approximately an equal number of regular terms expire at each annual meeting.

Section 2. The supervisory committee members choose from among their number a chair and a secretary. The secretary of the supervisory committee prepares, maintains, and has custody of full and correct records of all actions taken by it. The offices of chair and secretary may be held by the same person.

Section 3. The supervisory committee makes, or causes to be made, such audits, and prepares and submits such written reports, as are required by the Act and regulations. The committee may employ and use such clerical and auditing assistance as may be required to carry out its responsibilities prescribed by this article and may request the board to provide compensation for such assistance. It will prepare and forward to the Administration such reports as may be required.

Section 4. The supervisory committee will cause the verification of the accounts of all members with the records of the financial officer from time to time and not less frequently than as required by the Act and regulations. The committee must maintain a record of such verification.

Section 5. By unanimous vote, the supervisory committee may suspend until the next meeting of the members any director, board officer, or member of the credit committee. In the event of any such suspension, the supervisory committee must call a special meeting of the members to act on the suspension, which meeting must be held not fewer than 7 nor more than 14 days after the suspension. The chair of the committee acts as chair of the meeting unless the members select another person to act as chair.

Section 6. By the affirmative vote of a majority of its members, the supervisory committee may call a special meeting of the members to consider any violation of the provisions of the Act, the regulations, or of the charter or the bylaws of this credit union, or to consider any practice of this credit union which the committee deems to be unsafe or unauthorized.

Article X. Organization Meeting

Section 1. At the time application is made for a federal credit union charter, the subscribers to the organization certificate must meet for the purpose of electing a board of directors and a credit committee, if applicable. Failure to commence operations within 60 days following receipt of the approved organization certificate is cause for revocation of the charter unless a request for an extension of time has been submitted to and approved by the Regional Director.

Section 2. The subscribers elect a chair and a secretary for the meeting. The subscribers then elect from their number, or from those eligible to become members of this credit union, a board of directors and a credit committee, if applicable, all to hold office until the first annual meeting of the members and until the election and qualification of their respective successors. If not already a member, every person elected under this section or appointed under section 3 of this article, must qualify within 30 days by becoming a member. If any person elected as a director or committee member or appointed as a supervisory committee member does not qualify as a member within 30 days of such an election or appointment, the office will automatically become vacant and be filled by the board.

Section 3. Promptly following the elections held under the provisions of section 2 of this article, the board must meet and elect the board officers who will hold office until the first meeting of the board of directors following the first annual meeting of the members and until the election and qualification of their respective successors. The board also appoints a supervisory committee at this meeting as provided in Article IX, section 1, of these bylaws and a credit committee, if applicable. The members so appointed hold office until the first regular meeting of the board following the first annual meeting of the members and until the appointment and qualification of their respective successors.

Article XI. Loans and Lines of Credit to Members

Section 1. Loans may only be made to members and for provident or productive purposes in accordance with applicable law and regulations.

Section 2. Any member whose loan is delinquent may be required to pay a late charge as determined by the board of directors.

Article XII. Dividends

Section 1. The board establishes dividend periods and declares dividends as permitted by the Act and applicable regulations.

Article XIII. Deposit of Funds

Section 1. All funds of this credit union, except for petty cash and cash change funds, must be deposited in such qualified depository or depositories from among those authorized by applicable law and regulations as the board may from time to time by resolution designate; and must be so deposited not later than the second banking day after their receipt: provided, however, that receipts in the aggregate of $ (not applicable) or less may be held as long as 1 week before they are deposited.

Article XIV. Expulsion and Withdrawal

Section 1. Expulsion procedure. A credit union may expel a member in one of three ways. The first way is through a special meeting. Under this option, a credit union must call a special meeting of the members, provide the member the opportunity to be heard, and obtain a two thirds vote of the members present at the special meeting to expel a member. The second way to expel a member is under a nonparticipation policy given to each member that follows the requirements found in the Act. The third way to expel a member is by a two-thirds vote of a quorum of the directors of the credit union. A credit union can only expel a member for cause and through a vote of the directors of the credit union if it follows the policy for expulsion in section 2.

Section 2. A credit union's directors may vote to expel a member for cause if the credit union has provided a written copy of this Article or the optional standard disclosure notice to each member of the credit union. The communication of the policy, along with all notices required under this section, must be legible, written in plain language, reasonably understandable by ordinary members, and may be provided electronically only in the case of members who have elected to receive electronic communications from the credit union.

If a member will be subject to expulsion, the member shall be notified in writing in advance, along with the reason for such expulsion. The notice must include, at minimum, (i) relevant dates, (ii) sufficient detail for the member to understand the grounds for expulsion, (iii) the member's right to request a hearing, (iv) how to request a hearing, (v) the procedures related to the hearing, (vi) notification that, if a hearing is not requested, membership will terminate after 60 calendar days, and (vii) if applicable, a general statement on the effect of expulsion related to the member's accounts or loans at the credit union. The notice cannot include only conclusory statements regarding the reason for the member's expulsion. The notice must also tell the member that any complaints related to the member's potential expulsion should be submitted to NCUA's Consumer Assistance Center if the complaint cannot be resolved directly with the credit union. The FCU must maintain a copy of the provided notice for its records. The notice shall be provided in person, by mail to the member's address, or, if the member has elected to receive electronic communications from the credit union, may be provided electronically.

A member shall have 60 calendar days from the date of receipt of a notification to request a hearing from the board of directors of the credit union. A member is not entitled to attend the hearing in person, but the member must be provided a meaningful opportunity to present the member's case orally to the FCU board through a videoconference hearing. The member may choose to provide a written submission to the Board instead of a hearing with oral statements. If a member cannot participate in a videoconference hearing, then the FCU may offer a telephonic hearing. If a member does not request a hearing or provide a written submission, the member shall be expelled after the end of the 60-day period after receipt of the notice. If a member requests a hearing, the board of directors must provide the member with a hearing. At the hearing, the board of directors may not raise any rationale for expulsion that is not explicitly included in the notice to the member.

After the hearing, the board of directors of the credit union must hold a vote within 30 calendar days on expelling the member. If a member is expelled, either through the expiration of the 60- day period or a vote to expel the member after a hearing, written notice of the expulsion must be provided to the member in person, by mail to the member's address, or, if the member has elected to receive electronic communications from the credit union, may be provided electronically. The notice must provide information on the effect of the expulsion, including information related to account access and any deductions by the credit union related to amounts due. The notice must also tell the member that any complaints related to their expulsion should be submitted to NCUA's Consumer Assistance Center if the complaint cannot be resolved directly with the credit union. The notice must also state that the member has an opportunity to request reinstatement.

A member expelled under this authority must be given an opportunity to request reinstatement of membership. The FCU may act on a reinstatement request through a majority vote of a quorum of the directors of the credit union, a majority vote of the members of the credit union present at a special meeting, or a majority vote of members at an annual meeting, provided the annual meeting occurs within 90 days of the member's reinstatement request. If the FCU holds a meeting of the members to vote on the reinstatement request, an in-person vote is not required. An FCU is only required to hold a board vote or special meeting in response to a member's first reinstatement request following expulsion.

FCUs are required to maintain records related to any member expelled through a vote of the directors of the credit union for six years.

Section 3. The term cause in this Article means

  1. a substantial or repeated violation of the membership agreement of the credit union;
  2. a substantial or repeated disruption, including dangerous or abusive behavior, to the operations of a credit union, as defined below; or
  3. fraud, attempted fraud, or conviction of other illegal conduct in relation to the credit union, including the credit union’s employees conducting business on behalf of the credit union.

If the FCU is considering expulsion of a member due to repeated non-substantial violations of the membership agreement or repeated disruptions to the credit union's operations, the credit union must provide written notice to the member at least once prior to the notice of expulsion, and the violation or conduct must be repeated within two years after having been notified of the violation. The written notice must state the specific nature of the violation or conduct and that if the violation or conduct occurs again, the member may be expelled from the credit union.

Dangerous or abusive behavior includes the following: (1) violence, intimidation, physical threats, harassment, or physical or verbal abuse of officials or employees of the credit union, members, or agents of the credit union. This only includes (a) actions while on credit union premises or otherwise related to credit union activities, and through use of telephone, mail, email, or other electronic method; (b) behavior that causes or threatens damage to credit union property; or (c) unauthorized use or access of credit union property. Expressions of frustration with the credit union or its employees through elevated volume and tone; expressions of intent to seek lawful recourse, regardless of perceived merit; or repeated interactions with credit union employees are insufficient to constitute dangerous or abusive behavior. Additionally, members cannot be expelled due to or in retaliation for their complaints to the NCUA or any other regulatory agency or law enforcement, and members who are employees or former employees of the FCU cannot be expelled for any protected whistleblower activities.

Section 4. Expulsion or withdrawal does not relieve a member of any liability to the credit union. The credit union will pay all of the member's shares upon the member's expulsion or withdrawal less any amounts due to the credit union.

Section 5. An expulsion of a member pursuant to section 2 shall be done individually, on a case-by-case basis, and neither the NCUA Board nor any credit union may expel a class of members.

Article XV. Minors

Section 1. Shares may be issued in the name of a minor. State law governs the rights of minors to transact business with this credit union.

Article XVI. General

Section 1. All power, authority, duties, and functions of the members, directors, officers, and employees of this credit union, pursuant to the provisions of these bylaws, must be exercised in strict conformity with the provisions of applicable law and regulations, and of the charter and the bylaws of this credit union.

Section 2. The officers, directors, members of committees and employees of this credit union must hold in confidence all transactions of this credit union with its members and all information respecting their personal affairs, except when permitted by state or federal law.

Section 3. Notwithstanding any other provisions in these bylaws, any director or committee member of this credit union may be removed from office by the affirmative vote of a majority of the members present at a special meeting called for the purpose, but only after an opportunity has been given to be heard.

Section 4. No director, committee member, officer, agent, or employee of this credit union may participate in any manner, directly or indirectly, in the deliberation upon or the determination of any question affecting his or her pecuniary or personal interest or the pecuniary interest of any corporation, partnership, or association (other than this credit union) in which he or she is directly or indirectly interested. In the event of the disqualification of any director respecting any matter presented to the board for deliberation or determination, such director must withdraw from such deliberation or determination; and in such event the remaining qualified directors present at the meeting, if constituting a quorum with the disqualified director or directors, may exercise with respect to this matter, by majority vote, all the powers of the board. In the event of the disqualification of any member of the credit committee, if applicable, or the supervisory committee, such committee member must withdraw from such deliberation or determination.

Section 5. Records. The board must preserve copies of the organization certificate of this credit union, its bylaws, any amendments to the bylaws, and any special authorizations by the Administration. The board must attach copies of the organization certificate and field of membership amendments as an appendix to these bylaws. The board must record all returns of nominations, elections, and proceedings of all regular and special meetings of the members and directors in the minutes of this credit union. The respective chair or presiding officer and the person serving as secretary of the meeting must sign all minutes of the meetings of the members, the board, and the committees. All copies and records maintained under this section may be stored physically or electronically provided that the information is readily accessible to the directors, committee members of this credit union, members, and the Administration. Moreover, signatures may be provided electronically where permissible under federal or state law.

Section 6. Availability of credit union records. All books of account and other records of this credit union must be available upon request at all times to the directors, committee members of this credit union, and members provided they have a proper purpose for obtaining the records. If this credit union maintains a website currently or in the future, the board must post the bylaws of this credit union on the website. The board must also make the charter and bylaws of this credit union available for inspection by any member, upon request. If the member requests a copy of the charter or bylaws, the board will provide a copy to the member. The board may provide this copy to the member in physical or electronic copy. If the member requests a physical copy, the board may charge a reasonable fee for the physical copy. Section 7. Members must keep the credit union informed of their current address.

Section 8. (a) The credit union may elect to indemnify to the extent authorized by (check one)

[x] law of the state of Texas:
[  ] Model Business Corporation Act:

the following individuals from any liability asserted against them and expenses reasonably incurred by them in connection with judicial or administrative proceedings to which they are or may become parties by reason of the performance of their official duties (check as appropriate).
[x] current officials
[x] former officials
[x] current employees
[x] former employees

(b) The credit union may purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of the individuals indicated in (a) above against any liability asserted against them and expenses reasonably incurred by them in their official capacities and arising out of the performance of their official duties to the extent such insurance is permitted by the applicable state law or the Model Business Corporation Act.

(c)  The term "official" in this bylaw means a person who is a member of the board of directors, credit committee, supervisory committee, other volunteer committee (including elected or appointed loan officers or membership officers), established by the board of directors.

Article XVII. Amendment procedures.

Section 1. The board may adopt amendments of these bylaws by an affirmative two-thirds vote of the directors. Written NCUA approval is required for the amendment of the bylaws to become effective. After adopting amendments, the credit union will update the bylaws posted on its website (if such credit union maintains a website) and ensure that members seeking to inspect the bylaws receive the most current version of the bylaws. To adopt amendments to the credit union's charter, board members must vote at a duly held meeting after receiving prior written notice of the meeting and a copy of the proposed amendment or amendments with the notice. Written NCUA approval is required for the amendment to the charter to become effective.

Article XVIII. Definitions

Section 1. When used in these bylaws the terms:

  1. "Act" means the Federal Credit Union Act, as amended.
  2. "Administration" means the National Credit Union Administration.
  3. "Board" means board of directors of the federal credit union.
  4. "NCUA Board" means the Board of the National Credit Union Administration.
  5. "Regulation" or "regulations" means rules and regulations issued by the NCUA Board.
  6. "Applicable law and regulations" means the Federal Credit Union Act and rules and regulations issued thereunder or other applicable federal and state statutes and rules and regulations issued thereunder as the context indicates (such as The Higher Education Act of 1965).
  7. "Paid in and unimpaired capital," as of a given date, means the balance of the paid-in share accounts as of such date, less any losses that may have been incurred for which there is no reserve or which have not been charged against undivided earnings.
  8. "Surplus," as of a given date, means the credit balance of the undivided earnings account on such date, after all losses have been provided for and net earnings or net losses have been added thereto or deducted therefrom, as the case may be. Reserves are not considered as a part of the surplus.
  9. "Share" or "shares" means all classes of shares and share certificates that may be held in accordance with applicable law and regulations.

Section 2. If included in the definition of the field of membership in the organization certificate charter of this credit union, the term or expressions:

  1. "Organizations of such persons" means an organization or organizations composed exclusively of persons who are within the field of membership of this credit union.
  2. "Immediate family member" eligibility is limited to spouse, child, sibling, parent, grandparent or grandchild. For the purposes of this definition, immediate family member includes stepparents, stepchildren, stepsiblings, and adoptive relationships.
  3. "Household" is defined as persons living in the same residence maintaining a single economic unit.


Austin Telco Federal Credit Union

Austin, Texas

Charter No. 04584

Section 5 of the charter shall read as follows:

"The field of membership shall be limited to those having the following common bond:

1.    Persons who live, work, worship, or attend school in, and businesses and other legal entities located in Travis County, Williamson County, Bastrop County, Caldwell County, Hays County, or Burnet County, Texas; (Exp. 6/02/2020)

2.    Members of record of the National Western Life Federal Credit Union #19016 as of December 31, 2015; (App. Voluntary Merger – 2/18/16)

Employees of this credit union; spouses of persons who died while within the field of membership of this credit union; members of their immediate families and households; volunteers in the community; and organizations of such persons."